Faithful colour rendering every time

When it comes to full-colour printing, just being good enough isn’t good enough. The end result needs to be perfect. That’s the minimum required quality standard. After the time and care spent creating your design, whether for a showcase company brochure, product launch marketing material, a graphic novel or a book of fine-art reproductions, you need to be able to find a way of converting your design into a beautiful end product, looking and feeling exactly how you envisaged the physical items to be when you finalised the design. How can you be certain that you will get this premium [...]

THE TALE OF LITTLE AGNES: Gift packages intended for sale. A personalized order

We often have to make the "special" wishes of our clients come true. We know that these requests are important to them, and we don't question them. We simply find a way to fulfill them. Because being flexible is very important, especially in these times. Services offered in this client case: Gift Wrapping of books, magazines, catalogs, etc. Complementing the package with a greeting card or other printed product (calendar, notebook, catalog, promotional item) Adding a non-print item of your choice to the package. Send them to us or have us buy them. Creation of stickers to fit your theme [...]

Novel and non-fiction printing: making your book from A to Z

Is your first novel or non-fiction book finished, edited, proofread and ready for publication? Or are you a professional fiction and non-fiction publisher? Pulsio Print would like to share with you all our experience: along with the ABCs of printing fiction and non-fiction, we would like to give away the secrets of how to print with ease in this 10-minute read. The choice of paper for the interior Fiction and non-fiction printing is done with black ink on white or ivory paper. Bulky paper The classic paper for printing fiction and general non-fiction is bulky paper. It is used 90% [...]

What are the Advantages of a Hardcover Book?

Why are some books produced with softcovers and others with hardcovers? Why would you choose a hardcover rather than a softcover, which is more economical and easier to produce? Many criteria influence the choice of bookbinding: content, graphic design, target audience, sale price, etc. Soft covers are paper-bound books (glued or stitched) where the inside block and the back of the cover adhere together. For hardcovers, the endpapers join the inside and the cover together. Various elements are added, such as the endpapers, the headbands and the tail bands, the covering material, the card, the back, and the bookmark. If [...]

Paper is recycled

Why choose recycled paper? Recycled paper consists of at least 50% recovered cellulose fibres from printed paper waste. Recycled paper is nowadays of equivalent quality to non-recycled paper and uses far fewer resources. It can also come from sustainably managed forests like all papers offered by Pulsio Print which are PEFC and FCS certified. These labels make it possible to fight against deforestation and thus to protect the biodiversity that these ecosystems shelter. It encourages the entire recycling sector through the sorting and recovery of waste. What can you do to print responsibly? By favouring standard print formats for your [...]

SILK FOIL: innovative gilding and 7 reasons to prefer it to the “classic” type

As with an objet d’art, gilding enhances the value of a book and improves its visibility in bookstores. It is one of the most upscale finishes available. Until recently, the only way to carry out this process was hot stamping, which consists of depositing a metal film on the cover using a block with all the gilding elements to be stamped, a heat source that can reach 200° C and an enormous pressure that can be as much as a ton! Depending on the number of elements to be gilded, the process can be performed in several passes on the [...]

If you are wondering about the right format of your next book, read this article

The choice of the finished format of a book or any other printed product arises from the beginning of the editorial project. First, there is the wish of the author, the photographer, the publisher, the bookseller... and then there are the technical choices. Several possibilities appear and several elements influence the price of production. Both paper and machine technical limitations must be taken into account. So, what the right format of your book is and how to make the right choices? Standard formats and custom formats In the field of book publishing, but also for other printed documents, there are [...]

Your creative ideas with Pulsio Print: Essential steps to make your book shine in a bookstore

How can you make a thousand-year-old text shine by presenting it to the public in an appropriate form? It’s an opportunity to create a unique object, but how then to choose suitable paper, cloth binding, endpapers, boards and a dust jacket to add value to a book which is at once spiritual, literary and scientific? Here we present the design of the “Adamantine songs”: texts written in India towards the end of the first millennium. Spiritual in nature, they are accompanied by a scientific commentary. The challenge in preparing such a book is to reveal through manufacturing choices all the [...]

The New Komori HUV (H-UV) Completes Pulsio Print’s Machine Fleet

The Komori HUV (H-UV) is the latest acquisition by Pulsio Print, for €1.1 million, to be in the service of its customers. It improves print quality, shortens production times by highly efficient drying, and removes the need for a coat of varnish. Its printing system with UV inks is also very environmentally friendly, reducing CO₂ emissions by around 25%. Like all other reinforcements of the production line made by Pulsio Print in the last two years, the goal of installing this cutting-edge equipment is to upgrade our service provision by increasing the quality of our products. This new Komori H-UV [...]

Your creative ideas with Pulsio Print: That “paddle” feeling right from the cover

"Stand-up Paddle: Technical Training and Physical "Preparation" is a book that deals with the fundamentals of Stand-Up Paddle - SUP, it is the first of its kind in Europe. The editor asks the question ‘how can we make a feel to the "anti-slip" surface of the paddle’. It is then that in close cooperation with the consultants at Pulsio Print he redraws the letters SUP by imitating the appearance of the surface of the paddle, while filling these letters "SUP" with a special selective varnish with the grainy effect - sand type. Placed only on these three letters it gives [...]