What are the Advantages of a Hardcover Book?

Why are some books produced with softcovers and others with hardcovers? Why would you choose a hardcover rather than a softcover, which is more economical and easier to produce? Many criteria influence the choice of bookbinding: content, graphic design, target audience, sale price, etc. Soft covers are paper-bound books (glued or stitched) where the inside block and the back of the cover adhere together. For hardcovers, the endpapers join the inside and the cover together. Various elements are added, such as the endpapers, the headbands and the tail bands, the covering material, the card, the back, and the bookmark. If [...]

The New Komori HUV (H-UV) Completes Pulsio Print’s Machine Fleet

The Komori HUV (H-UV) is the latest acquisition by Pulsio Print, for €1.1 million, to be - in the service of its customers. It improves print quality, shortens production times by highly efficient drying, and removes the need for a coat of varnish. Its printing system with UV inks is also very environmentally friendly, reducing CO₂ emissions by around 25%. Like all other reinforcements of the production line made by Pulsio Print in the last two years, the goal of installing this cutting-edge equipment is to upgrade our service provision by increasing the quality of our products. This new Komori [...]

Add value to your books with personalised slipcases!

We are delighted to be able to offer you customised cases for your books, in whatever size or shape you would like. An experienced designer will help you with the design for £35 / hour. We’ll need specific details from you such as the exact dimensions of the books that the slipcase should contain, as well as whether you would prefer artboard or cardboard covered with paper or leather, whether you want single or double thickness for the board, plus information about the delivery – whether fully assembled or sent separately. Steven Spielberg Check our price: it’s free and it [...]