Paperback or Hardcover?

Paperback or Hardcover: How to Print Your Book?

When taking your book to the print you have two main options to choose from – Paperback or Hardcover. So, which one should you go for?

There are certain advantages and options for each one but if you still do not know about them have a look at these articles: the advantages of a hardcover book; make sure to read about paper qualities, features and options in this article about paperback. This way you will make the right decision for your next book printing.



By printing with Pulsio Print, you get:


  • The Best price from 100 to 10 000 copies, because of our very large print volumes and efficient print factory. 


  • Luxury print quality thanks to an H-UV technology (read more) – used for Art Catalogues, Photo Albums, Museum books.


  • Choice from 438 papers,  27 finishes, and 9 bindings – for standard & luxury prints.


  • Personalised advice on each project – choosing the right print materials and options for your product.

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