What if the paper itself was a real creative medium, as much so as its colour?

Creative papers The idea nowadays is to use art papers to accompany your message as much in substance as in form. Metallic, iridescent and pearl papers play with light, while tracing paper and transparent papers have the effect of surprise and are suitable for expressing your imagination. Marked grainy paper enhances intensity, vellum and silk papers impress with a touch of class, and hologram papers have that ultra-modern look. While creative papers have a cost, their use is not necessarily reserved for the luxury sector. A high-end paper will help showcase a serious image. Transparent paper juxtaposed with print can [...]

Novel and non-fiction printing: making your book from A to Z

Is your first novel or non-fiction book finished, edited, proofread and ready for publication? Or are you a professional fiction and non-fiction publisher? Pulsio Print would like to share with you all our experience: along with the ABCs of printing fiction and non-fiction, we would like to give away the secrets of how to print with ease in this 10-minute read. The choice of paper for the interior Fiction and non-fiction printing is done with black ink on white or ivory paper. Bulky paper The classic paper for printing fiction and general non-fiction is bulky paper. It is used 90% [...]